Project | Project Realisation Process

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Project Manager
Employees (according to required qualifications)
              Customer's ASP
              Temporary staff if necessary


Project organisation plan 
Risik matrix              Site diary
              Stamp List
              Certificate of conformity form
              Report form


Proposal (technical / commercial / complete)
Previous knowledge about the customer


Preperations for operational work
Project plan


see Project Process


The Project Realisation Process describes the standardised procedure for the implementation of projects. It begins with the conclusion of preparation and the start of project works. The end of this process is indicated by the completed project works.

The objective is the successful fulfilment of customer requirements in project form. A framework for the implementation of a project is created, which is matched to customer-specific requirements.

1. Conduct and control worksteps

  • Responsibility: Project Manager

  • The project is implemented in stages, with the project manager taking on the control function for all tasks.

  • An evaluation of project risks takes place at regular intervals in relation to the implementation of the project. The basis for this is the risk assessment, which was carried out during the creation of the proposal.

2. Conduct risk assessment

  • Responsibility: Project Manager

  • Work stages are documented in the project diary. Status reports are created to continuously report on the progress of the work. Other rules are imposed specific to the customer.

  • Non-conforming services are notified by the employee responsible. Their handling is taken on by the project manager in consultation with the customer (see Non-conformity Process).

3. Report about milestone

  • Responsibility: Project Manager

  • Using the milestones defined in the project organisation plan, the customer is given comprehensive reports. At the customer's request, certificates of conformity are issued for this, which later become part of the documentation.

  • The project manager checks the project before communicating with the customer about the milestones. If any errors are noticed at this time, these are handled within the framework of the Non-conformity Process.

  • Neben den im Projektablaufplan definierten Meilensteinen findet min. alle 3 Monate eine Rücksprache mit dem Kunden statt. Diese umfasst die Erfassung der Dienstleistungsqualität, die Konformität der Dienstleistung und die termingerechte Lieferleistung. Sie wird durch eine Online-Umfrage und ein persönliches Gespräch durchgeführt. Außerdem findet ein Reporting über die individuell erarbeiteten Kennzahlen des Projektes statt, welche eine Aussage über die Konformität und termingerechte Lieferleistung des Produktes treffen können. 

  • Die Ergebnisse dieses Reporting werden mit dem Kunden besprochen und ggf. Maßnahmen daraus abgeleitet. 

  • Ebenfalls wird diese Reporting in monatlichen Abständen in der Projektmanagement-Runde besprochen. Bei Abweichungen von der Erwartung sind hierbei Aufgaben in der "Meeting Minutes-Open Tasks"-Liste zu definieren. Deren Umsetzung wird durch den QMB geprüft. 

  • The result of this check is documented in MS Project.

4. Release milestone

  • Responsibility: Customer

  • The customer accepts the defined milestones. If necessary, a certificate of conformity is used for this purpose.

5. Handover final documentation

  • Responsibility: Project Manager

  • After processing all project stages (milestones), the final documentation is compiled and handed over to the customer. This documentation includes the description of all relevant work stages and results.

6. Conduct final technical acceptance

  • Responsibility: Customer

  • Based on the final documentation, the customer undertakes a final technical acceptance of the work performed.

  • If the acceptance is successful, the project work is considered finished and a review takes place.

  • If the customer does not accept the work performed, he submits a complaint.

7. Complaint process

  • Responsibility: Project Manager

  • The complaint is accepted and processed. This processing is described in more detail in the Complaints Process.

  • Finally, the customer conducts another technical acceptance.


version Created: 03/03/2018 Examination: 09.05. 2022 Approval: 12.05.2022
1.3 Christian Gabriel, external Kavin SOMASUNDARAM, QMB Gerald Unger, CEO