Training process

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Project Manager


Job descriptions
personnel files
              Form Training Needs Assessment
              Form Training Schedule


Training needs of employees


Trained employees

Key figures

Training days per employee


The training process represents the standard procedure for the further education and training of employees in the course of the year. It begins with the determination of training needs at the beginning of the FY. The end of this process is marked by the coverage of the existing training needs of the employees.

Targeted selection of staff as well as training and further education of our employees ensure that only adequately trained staff with the appropriate skills, abilities and experience is deployed at all workplaces.

1. Determine training needs

  • Responsibility: Quality Management Officer

  • Once a year, the training requirements are recorded by evaluating the employee interviews and entered in the form for recording training requirements.

2. Create training plan

  • Responsibility: Quality Management Officer 

  • On the basis of the training requirement assessment, a training plan (see form) is drawn up once a year for internal and external training courses and approved by management.

  • Furthermore, the plan is supplemented by project needs and specific requirements of the company over the course of the year.

  • The fixed dates and training courses are communicated to cHR for scheduling the success test and maintaining the job descriptions. This is done by email.

3. Attend necessary training

  • Responsibility: Employee

  • Every employee attends the training courses they need on the scheduled dates.

  • If certificates are issued as part of the training, these must be communicated to cHR for documentation in the employee profile.

4. Assess traning

  • Responsibility: cHR

  • After attending a training course, each participant completes the training evaluation survey. This includes an assessment of the training and the training success. It is provided, documented and filed by cHR.

5. Assess training success

  • Responsibility: cHR  in cooperation with supervisor

  • In an employee interview, the success of the employee's training is determined by the superior and noted in the training plan. If the desired success does not materialize, further training measures are planned in consultation with the QMB in order to guarantee the qualification of the employee.

  • The training documentation can be viewed in the employee's job profile. 


version Creation: 04.03.2018 Examination: 09.05.2022 Approval: 12.05.2022
1.3 Christian Gabriel, external Kavin SOMASUNDARAM, QMB Gerald Unger, CEO